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Matt Sugden

Developing a VR waypoint system for the IKEA BROR VR

The next step of developing my VR application, is producing a simple waypoint system to guide the user through the correct assembly steps. I settled on a pair of animated arrows; one to show the next correct component in the sequence (yellow) and the other arrow to show the position on the assembly where this component will be attached (green).

The short video clip above shows this system in action. I decided to implement two different logics into the Unreal Blueprint to animate the arrows a little. The component arrow has a slow rotation applied to it, a visual clue often found in games The assembly waypoint arrow I've set to grow and shrink in size, both to catch the users attention and also to give an indication of the precise location of the component assembly point.

The next element of the development I'm going to focus on, is creating a menu system to display the manual and flick the pages.

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